Simon’s recent sculpture of Blodeuwedd is an installation featured as part of the Art Out West exhibition in Stackpole, Pembrokeshire.
Blodeuwedd is part of the Mabinogion stories... created by a wizard, she is made of flowers, her head is based on the shape of Meadowsweet, her spine is a Foxglove and Irises and other flowers climb her body.
This is the spell spoken by the wizard as she was created:
Blodeu is made of flowers
Which this morning are in full bloom
Her skin is Meadowsweet
Her eyes are Oak green
And her hair the Golden Broom
Her beautiful sun-filled dress is sewn on the spider webs loom
Laced with rainbow pearls of the diamond morning dew
Her butterfly earrings will nod to natures tune
As she shakes out the sweet sweet smell
Of her bumble bee gathered perfume
Daisy chain necklace
Under her Buttercup chin
Forget-me-not bracelets
And all of this is the spell inside the fairies ring.
(by Simon Hedger)
To find out more about the actual process of carving the sculpture please visit the chit chat page.